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Be a Forerunner

The right path to becoming a forerunner is to have one, observe and learn. Therefore Paul wrote to Timothy: 'But you have carefully followed my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, love, perseverance, persecutions, afflictions, which happened to me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra - what persecutions I endured. And out of them all the Lord delivered me.'  Why not consider and learn from God's work in the foreunner's life, His training in his/her walk and His fruit in his/her assignment?

I live for trans-generational consciousness…

… the constructive belief that what started with me never started with me and should not end with me. I must position myself, prepared, trained and ready for a transfer of Kingdom assignments, having the same determination to release it into the next generation.

It is with this conviction I walk with Pastor Philip because he understands the key Kingdom construct to help raise a generation that will walk in this consciousness; that is the partnership of forerunners and finishers; finishers and forerunners.

I have had the opportunity to walk with Pastor Philip into different nations and have witnessed the Grace of one who is determined to raise the right people in the most accurate patterns of the Kingdom.

It is Pastor Philip’s teachings, transparency of life and walk with God and a determination to ensure there is a generation that models the kingdom principles accurately that has kept me working with youth and young adults for all these years.

Cornelius and his family are members of the Family Life Christian Centre (Ps. Nana Banyin)

Cornelius Zynenwartel

Cornelius Zynenwartel


United Kingdom

True freedom achieved by serving

Pastor Philip's words have been part of my life since I can remember myself. Growing up under the influence of such an extraordinary apostle has had me take it all for granted many times, but as time went by I started to get a clearer and clearer picture of what it meant to serve The Kingdom, not necessarily by hearing him, but watching his actions, observe his way of thinking. I was looking at a man traveling thousands of miles on a yearly basis when he could have just focused on his church back home entirely. That's when I started realizing serving God didn't just mean obedience. It also meant they way I present myself to Him and to others around me. How my walk requires active participation to carry weight. And how, through all these aspects, partnerships form, not just with Kingdom people, but with the highest authority. This is what I learned serving Him and my fellow man can bring. True freedom achieved by serving.

Armin is a spiritual son to Ps Philip DuPont
Armin Szedlacsek

Armin Szedlacsek



The journey to God never ends

I work as a multidisciplinary storytelling, directing, writing and creative producing for theatre and film.

Alongside this I work with engineers developing their community culture and assisting with inclusive and sustainable initiatives for the workplace and projects.

With every piece of work, I create or partake in – I hope to inspire God consciousness: his nature and his culture.

God, humanity, and love is what governs my life; whatever sphere I may be – I believe the Journey to God never ends.

Love always.

Priscilla is a member of the Family Life Christian Centre (Ps. Nana Banyin)
Priscilla Kwabi Lafayette

Priscilla Kwabi Lafayette


United Kingdom

I understood that God’s presence in my life can fill my work environment

When I first met Ps. Philip Dupont, I was working as a resident doctor in an intensive care unit, a tough place where a person’s life is reduced to respiratory and hemodynamic parameters, to figures and measurements. One day I was on duty in a ward in which two patients were in a coma. Family members were praying for one of them; the other’s family members did not pray. Then I asked: ”God, how do You relate to these two people?” and He answered to me: ”Do you think that if I am asked to come into this room, My presence is limited to one bed only?” In that moment I understood His greatness in my work. I understood that His presence in my life can fill my work environment. He also told me ”Respect the Life in these people”. I suddenly understood that from God’s perspective Life had a deeper meaning. It meant more than heartbeats, cognitive functions, synapses..., even more than health. This comprehension shaped my inner being and I understood that my duty was to bring this Life in the lives of my patients, whether I had to intubate them or to resuscitate them or to give them nutrition advice....

Enikö is a spiritual daughter to Ps Philip DuPont
Enikö Kovàcs

Enikö Kovàcs



To understand my individual grace and place in God’s Kingdom

Kindness and competitiveness in the Academic world...

I am saved by amazing grace. Meditating over this concept remains essential for me to understand my individual grace and place in God’s Kingdom. It is the firm foundation I wish to build my faith and life on to stay grounded and humble as I progress. 

Ever since my childhood I have been very passionate about justice and curious about pressing societal and scientific questions. I know that the Kingdom of God holds the specific answers to these questions and challenges and I am eager to contribute in this regard.

My professional domain is the academic world, the world of scientific research more specifically. I have a doctoral degree in chemistry and work as an academic researcher where I focus on how to combat global warming and growing amounts of plastic waste. I believe it is our mandate to be good stewards of His creation and manage the resources we have in a sustainable way.

The academic world can be extremely competitive, sometimes at the expense of kindness or words of encouragement. This is one of the areas where I try to make a difference in my professional environment by practicing kindness to the people around me and loving my neighbor (Mark 12:31).

Facts and truth are at the heart of my work in research. In recent years, we have seen the harmful effects of fake news and false information, being spread through social media. However, the Kingdom of God is a realm of truth. As a scientist I am trained to be a critical thinker and evaluate and interpret data. Here, my skills enable me to have an impact outside of my professional sphere by helping others to detect falsehoods or lies.

Joel is a member of the Destiny International Centre (Ps. Kwame Mensah)
Joel Mensah

Joel Mensah



To shine, maintain and grow in my vocational role

The depth with which Pastor Philip teaches Kingdom Principles has engaged me since I first heard him speak. 'Educating The Coming Kingdom Architects' especially came at a pivotal time when I was pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Economics. As I continued to navigate my way through the academic world, completing a Master's degree and considering the potential path of a PhD in Economics, the truth and tools that came from our talks and his manuals have helped me stay clear on what it means to represent Christ's Kingdom. I know I am well-equipped to shine, maintain the standard and grow in my vocational role.

Hannah is a member of the Family Life Christian Center (Ps. Nana Banyin)
Hannah Perez-Siaw

Hannah Perez-Siaw


United Kingdom

The seeds he planted in my life have grown

While not many people get the chance to consistently learn from a determined, resourceful and sharp leader such as Ps Philip from a young age, I did. And the seeds he planted in my life have grown and developed with a clear purpose. Being determined is my legacy, alongside with not being afraid to speak up and knowing who I am. Today I am a Transforming Coach working with young adults and the founder of DigDeeper Coaching & Training.

I am helping young adults transform their lives and make a difference wherever they are standing for what they believe in.

Tünde Macarie

Tünde Macarie



I was introduced to…

… Ps. Philip back in 2018 and for the first time I met someone who could clearly articulate the Kingdom of God beyond the walls of the local church. What caught my attention was his unique ability to point the church back to its blueprint. The spiritual education I have received through his books and teachings have impacted my life and given me a vantage point of the Kingdom and its advancement in my time. As I continue to walk and talk with Ps. Philip, I continue to be challenged and shaped.

Yohaan and his wife Menaka and their two sons are members of the New Life Church (Ps. Sanna Rajapakse)
Yohaan Rajapakse

Yohaan Rajapakse


Sri Lanka

A child of God, a mother, a wife and a professional

Life seemed confusing, my belief in God was shaken. I was tired of messages that beat around the bush, but desperate to know and taste the true God. Pastor Philip explained God and His Kingdom with clarity and in practical ways. It helped me to walk with God in my everyday life. Then, after a while, I started to see progress in my personal life. His message brought deeper insight to being a child of God, a mother, a wife and a professional.

Mandukhai, her husband Tamir and their two daugthers are members of the City Church (Ps. Suvda and Baagii)
Mandukhai Suvd

Mandukhai Suvd



In 2012, while studying, our family was terribly hit

My husband contracted a viral disease… consequently I quit my job and took care of my husband at the intensive care of the hospital. His situation worsened and he was placed in a respirator. However after three months, he got out of the respirator and was able to come home…

During and after the hospital stay, God was with our family and gave us the energy and courage to move forward. Maybe everything was prepared for this season…

(Edited from her article to be found under the section ’They actually do it’)

Purevsuren, her husband and their two children are members of the City Church (Ps. Suvda and Baagii)
Purevsuren Sukhbaatar

Purevsuren Sukhbaatar



I am an artist…

… and Ps. Philip has an understanding of the Kingdom, as well as the artist and music/entertainment world... That speaks to me! It is a combination of his teachings and his life and how he handles the assignment that has impacted me.

Daniel is a member of The Light Church (Ps Rod Dinglasan)
Daniel March

Daniel March


Spiritual fatherhood

Ps. Philip and I met at a church in Ulaanbaatar in 2008; he is my spiritual father.

His message about Matthew 6:33 “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you” moved my spirit strongly, awakened my inner man. The words God put into his mouth called me and my family into God’s Kingdom. They built a solid foundation of spiritual growth, and His grace has been passed to us during the last 13 years of walking with Ps. Philip.

Thus, I deeply understood that my destiny is to joyfully follow the principles of the Kingdom regarding finance and its prosperity. His training has formed my walk and showed me how to live, to grow, to prosper and mature in the Kingdom of the Father, of His Son Jesus Christ and of the Holy Spirit.

My spiritual father trained me to obey and love God’s truth. It is vital to be aware, to understand, and to receive Kingdom-destiny. I have discovered that one of its important and basic factors is the spiritual father-son relationship.

Oogii and her family are spiritual daughters to Ps Philip DuPont
Oyun-Erdene Sharav

Oyun-Erdene Sharav



Insight and authenticity

It has always been my greatest pleasure to walk with Ps. Philip and to be born into the Kingdom of God. He has an incredible gift to sow seeds of faith through his teachings, including me.

I see him as an instrument and soldier i God’s Kingdom. I am a data professional in the consulting industry and because of his teachings are so practical, I have been able to apply it at my work place, to my relationships and personal life.

He has always taught the Word with so much insight, authenticity and passion, setting a great example of God’s heart for His people. Over the years, Ps. Philip’s teachings have brought much clarity and vision in my life and propelled me to live in God’s purposes for my life.

Hannah is a spiritual daughter to Ps Philip DuPont
Khongorzul Tumurbaatar

Khongorzul Tumurbaatar (Hannah)

Washington DC